Ground Vibrational State SiO Emission in the VLA BAaDE Survey
2020 Dike, V., Morris, M., Rich, R.M., Lewis, O., Quiroga-Nuñez, L.H., et al.
Characterizing the Evolved Stellar Population in the Galactic Foreground I
2020 Quiroga-Nuñez, L.H., van Langevelde H.J., Pihlström, Y. M., Sjouwerman, L.O., Brown, A.G.A., et al.
Differences on radio emission from similar M dwarfs in the binary system Ross 867-8
2020 Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., Intema H., Callingham J., Villadsen J., et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 633. A130​
Infrared Color Separation between Thin-shelled Oxygen-rich and Carbon-rich AGB Stars
2020 Lewis, M., Pihlström, Y.M., Sjouwerman, L.O. and Quiroga-Nuñez, L.H.
A low-mass stellar companion to the young variable star RZ Psc.
2020 Kennedy, G., Ginski, C., Kenworthy, M., Bensity, et al. (including Quiroga-Nuñez, L.H.) et al.
Letters of the Monthly of Royal Astronomy Society 496, 75​
Trigonometric parallaxes of high-mass star-forming regions: our view of the Milky Way
2019 Reid M., Menten K., Brunthaler A., Zheng X., Dame T., Xu J., Li L., et al. (including Quiroga-Nuñez L.H.)
Astrophysical Journal 885, 131
Trigonometric parallaxes in the far part of the Scutum arm
2019 Immer K., Li J., Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., Reid M., Wu Y. & Moscadelli L.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 632. A123​
Resolving the Distance Controversy for Sharpless 269
2019 Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., Immer K., van Langevelde H., Reid M. & Burns, R.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 625, A70
Positional Offsets Between SiO Masers in Evolved Stars and their cross-matched Infrared Counterparts
2018 Pihlström Y., Sjouwerman L., Claussen M., Morris M., Rich M., van Langevelde H. & Quiroga-Nuñez, L.H.
Galactic methanol maser distribution to constrain Milky Way parameters
2017 Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., van Langevelde H.J., Reid M. & Green J.A.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 604, A72
Millimeter spectral indices and dust trapping by planets in brown dwarf disks
2017 Pinilla P., Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., Benisty M., Natta A., Ricci L., Henning T., van der Plas, G., et al.
Millimetre spectral indices of transition disks and their relation with the cavity radius
2014 Pinilla P., Benisty M., Birnstiel T., Ricci L., Isella A., Natta A., Dullemond C.P., Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 564, A51
EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions II
2013 Surcis G., Vlemmings W.H.T., van Langevelde H.J., Hutawarakorn Kramer B. & Quiroga-Nuñez L.H.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 556, A73
Refereed Publications

Conference Proceedings & Other Publications
- Francesco d’Assisi -
“Start by doing what is necessary; Then do what is possible and suddenly you will be doing the impossible.”
Maser, infrared and optical emission for late-type stars in the Galactic plane
2019 Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., van Langevelde H. J., Sjouwerman L. O., Pihlström Y. M., Reid, M. J., et al.
IAU Proceedings 13 (S336), 184
The Synergy between VLBI and Gaia astrometry
2019 van Langevelde H., Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., Vlemmings W., Loinard L., Honma M., et al.
Proceedings of Science, EVN2018, V344, 43
Where are you, Scutum? Tracking down a spiral arm with maser astrometry
2019 Immer K., Li J., Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., Reid M., Zhang B. & Moscadelli L.
Proceedings of Science, EVN2018, V344, 55​
Meter- to Millimeter Emission from Cool Stellar Systems
2018 Forbrich, J., Williams, P.K.G., Drabek-Maunder, E., Howard, W., et al. (including Quiroga-Nuñez L.H.)
Proceedings 20th Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun (2018)
Planet Formation Imager: Project Update
2018 Monnier J., Ireland M., Krauss S., et al. (including Quiroga-Nuñez L.H.)
Proceedings SPIE 10701,1070118 (2018)
Maser, infrared and optical emission for late-type stars in the Galactic plane
2018 Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., van Langevelde H. J., Sjouwerman L. O., Pihlström Y. M., Reid, M. J., et al.
IAU Proceedings 13 (S336), 184
Astrometric Galactic maser measurements cross-matched with Gaia
2018 Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., van Langevelde H. J., Reid M. J., Sjouwerman L. O., Pihlström Y. M., et al.
IAU Proceedings 13 (S334), 351
Finding evolved stars in the inner Galactic disk with Gaia
2018 Quiroga-Nuñez L.H., van Langevelde H. J., Pihlström Y. M., Sjouwerman L. O. & Brown, A. G. A.
IAU Proceedings 12 (S330), 245
Planet Formation Imager: science vision and key requirements
2016 Kraus S., Monnier J., Ireland M. J., et al. (including Quiroga-Nuñez L.H.)
A correlation between magnetic field orientation and molecular outflow in massive young stellar objects
2013 Surcis G., Vlemmings W.H.T., van Langevelde H.J., Hutawarakorn Kramer B. & Quiroga-Nuñez L.H.
European VLBI Network Newsletter 36
GWs from Ejection of Superluminal Components and Precession of Disks Driven by Bardeen-Petterson Effect
2011 Mosquera H. J., Sánchez L. A., Pardo D. A., Caproni A., Abraham Z. & Quiroga-Nuñez, L.H.,
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 3, 482