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Below you can find a summary of the referee review publications in which I am involved.
Feel free to contact me!

SiO maser emission from AGB stars
Title: Ground Vibrational State SiO Emission in the VLA BAaDE Survey Authors: Dike, V.; Morris, M. R.; Rich, R. M.; Lewis, M. O.;...
Dec 24, 2020

We are surrounded by underluminous AGB stars
Title: Characterizing the Evolved Stellar Population in the Galactic Foreground I: Bolometric Magnitudes, Spatial Distribution and P-L...
Nov 16, 2020

O- and C-rich stars separation in IR colors
Title: Infrared Color Separation between Thin-shelled Oxygen-rich and Carbon-rich AGB Stars Authors: Lewis, Megan O.; Pihlström, Y. M.;...
Nov 16, 2020

Stellar companion of RZ Psc
Title: A low-mass stellar companion to the young variable star RZ Psc Authors: Kennedy, Grant M.; Ginski, Christian; Kenworthy, Matthew...
Nov 16, 2020

Strong radio emission differences from similar M dwarfs
Title: Differences in radio emission from similar M dwarfs in the binary system Ross 867-8 Authors: Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H.; Intema, H. T.;...
Nov 16, 2020

Anomalous stellar motions in the Scutum spiral arm
Title: Anomalous peculiar motions of high-mass young stars in the Scutum spiral arm Authors: Immer, K.; Li, J.; Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H.;...
Nov 16, 2020

Updated Spiral Structure View of Milky Way
Title: Simulated Galactic methanol maser distribution to constrain Milky Way parameters Authors: Reid, M. J.; Menten, K. M.; Brunthaler,...
Nov 16, 2020

Confirmed Milky Way parameters!
Title: Simulated Galactic methanol maser distribution to constrain Milky Way parameters Authors: Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H.; van Langevelde, H....
Nov 16, 2020

AGB astrometric offsets between multiwavelength observations
Title: Positional Offsets between SiO Masers in Evolved Stars and their Cross-matched Counterparts Authors: Pihlström, Ylva M.;...
Nov 16, 2020

Resolving the distance controversy for S269: A kink in the Outer arm!
Title: Resolving the distance controversy for Sharpless 269. A possible kink in the outer arm Authors: Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H.; Immer, K.;...
Nov 3, 2017

Disk formation around Brown Dwarfs
Title: Millimeter Spectral Indices and Dust Trapping By Planets in Brown Dwarf Disks Authors: Pinilla, P.; Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H.; Benisty,...
Nov 3, 2017

Spectral indices and cavities in disks
Title: Millimetre spectral indices of transition disks and their relation to the cavity radius Authors: Pinilla, P.; Benisty, M.;...
Nov 3, 2017

Magnetic fields in young massive stars
Title: EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions Authors: Surcis, G.; Vlemmings, W. H. T.;...
Nov 3, 2017
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